SMART Arrival Departure Manager
Shift Aviation Solutions has enabled the development of a revolutionary new Scheduled Managed Arrival Required Time (SMART) Slot Departure and Arrival Manager (SMART-MAN) that will eliminate aircraft congestion and the required holding delays for departure and arrival at airports. This unique software package will greatly improve airport operational capacity. This software has already been proven to deliver unprecedented Air Traffic Management (ATM) arrival results between two prominent airports in the EU and UK, with a very well known airline as the participating partner. The software development is at BETA (Pre-Operational) stage and is now ready for

Environmental Support
The Best For the Job
CO2 emissions and noise pollution have a major impact on airline and airport operational costs, as it primarily influences approach and departure routes to and from airports and at times enforces curfews at major airports, which is a major challenge for most airports.
Our strategies through the software shall significantly reduce aircraft CO2 emissions and greatly reduce aircraft approach and departure noise footprints.

Reaching for the skies
Future Airport Solutions:
With the implementation of this software on Indian skies it would revolutionise the Airport Industry, Mobile applications, check-in tags, speed-up security checks. Not only that, there would be tangible and visible gains for the passengers that are either flying international or flying within India